St Mary the Virgin, St Marychurch
good things are
for North Torquay
Our new website is under construction but we are still worshipping together
8am - Said Mass
11am - Sung Mass
6pm - Evensong and Benediction (2nd Sunday of the Month)
10am - Said Mass
10am - Said Mass
St Mary the Virgin, St Marychurch, Torquay, TQ1 4QY
For all enquiries please contact the Team Rector, Fr Nick Debney
on 01803 914771 or
Hall Bookings Only: 07554 496816
The Parochial Church Council of St Mary the Virgin, St Marychurch, recognises and accepts the House of Bishops’ Safeguarding Policy Statement, “Promoting a Safer Church 2017”. We are committed to complying with the current Church of England and Diocesan safeguarding policies and practice guidance. In so doing we will comply with the secular multi-agency safeguarding procedures relating to children and young people and adults experiencing or at risk of harm, abuse or neglect.
If you have any concerns or enquiries regarding safeguarding, please contact our safeguarding officer.
Parish Safeguarding Officer: Val Oswin
The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser is Mr Costa Nassaris, T: 01392 294969 / M: 07809 339501​
In the case of an emergency
If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police on 999
and your local authority Children or Adults Service:​
Torbay Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub
T: 01803 208100
Torbay Safeguarding Adults Team
T: 01803 219700
Torbay Domestic Abuse Service
T: 01803 698869